Your club director will let you know what membership your athlete should purchase. Please make sure you select the appropriate season length prior to membership check-out.
(Great Plains Region registers members ONLY with USA Volleyball)
VIDEO: Purchase the Membership
Purchasing a membership is a must to play in your region. In this step, we will walk you through how to ensure the process goes smoothly.
Ideally, your club will send you a link to purchase your membership and add your club assignment. If you are ready to commit to your club for the season, click on the club assignment link they’ve sent you and click “get membership.” If you did not get an invite from the club, accepting the invite is an additional step you will need to do after purchase.
If you already have a SportsEngine account, log in to your account. To make sure you don’t create a duplicate account, it’s best practice to log in using your unique cell number.
If you do not already have a SportsEngine account, you will be prompted to create one. It’s a critical step to set up the account in your own name as the parent. You will add a sub-profile in your account for your child later in the process. Setting up an account in your child’s name will create multiple issues later in your membership process.
VIDEO: Eligibility Requirements
USA Volleyball recommends accessing your eligibility requirements by logging into your SportsEngine account
VIDEO: Save / Print Membership Cards
Once you have an eligible membership, you can save and print your member ID card with your ID number. You might need this for some events like tryouts or beach tournaments.
VIDEO: Accessing Digital Membership Cards
Once you have an eligible membership, you can add your member card to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay for easy access.
Great Plains Region membership fees are managed separately from USA Volleyball national registration fees. A request for a cancellation and possible refund of fees must be submitted via the link below.
USA Volleyball and the Great Plains Region reserves the right to make exceptions to their refund policy at its sole discretion. Cancellation and refund final decisions are not appealable.
See the Great Plains Region Refund Policy here.
See the USA Volleyball Refund Policy here.
USAV National rules state that once a player has registered (paid dues to USAV RVA) they may only represent that one club for the entire season. Also, the rule is that once a junior player has participated in a JOVC qualifying event, he/she may not participate in another JOVC qualifying or championship event with a different club unless a waiver is granted by the Arbitrator and the regions involved.